Sweet Treats
Dear RWA Families,
The school year is going by quickly; here we are in the month of February already! It is a short month, but filled with many special and fun activities!
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day at Rollingwood is a day where we spread our love and appreciation for friendship! Each class will exchange valentines on February 14th. Please send in valentines for each student in your child’s class, and we’ll take care of the rest. The teachers have requested that you not “address” the valentines–just sign them with your child’s name. (This way the children can easily pass them out.) Remember, some classrooms are nut free. Any food items should be unopened in store bought packaging.
Children will bring their own lunches on this day, however a valentine’s day treat will be provided by RWA. Children that do not attend on this will pass out and receive their valentines on Tuesday.
Inclement Weather Policy
As a reminder, be sure to check our website www.rollingwoodacademy.com, Instagram, and Class Dojo for any school closings or delays. You will also get an email as soon as a decision is made. We typically follow the public school’s closings initially, however we will always aim to open if possible. We try our best to keep children, parents, and our staff safe!
Spring Tea Party
As of now, we are hoping to invite parents to attend our Spring Tea Production this year! (Yay!) The students have been working hard in school to learn their songs and are getting excited to perform for their families! The production will start promptly at 11:00am at the stage. We welcome you to bring lawn chairs/blankets for seating.
Following the Production, each class will participate in an Easter Egg Hunt in their designated area on the school property. After the egg hunt, we will have our “tea party” picnic. Rollingwood will provide Chick-Fil-A nuggets and the teachers will be posting a sign-up sheet on Class Dojo for volunteers to bring sides and drinks.
If you choose to take your child home following lunch, please make sure to let your child’s teacher or staff member know as this day can be busy!
Important Dates
February 11th- Pizza Day
February 14th- Valentine’s Day Celebration
February 21st- School Closed- President’s Day
March 14th- Guest Reader Kentrell Martin
March 17th- St. Patrick’s Day
March 18th- School Closed to Students- Staff Day
March (Dates TBD) Spring Pictures will be taken for class/individual.
March 24th-Pizza Day
April 8th- Spring Tea Production
April 9th-17th- Spring Break- School Closed
We want to thank you all for your support within our community! We have gotten a great number of new families interested in our school after receiving referrals from our current parents. We are so thankful.
As always, thank you for sharing your children with us!
Rollingwood Academy Administration