Our School is Full of Sweethearts
Dear RWA Families,
The school year is going by quickly; here we are in the month of February already! It is a short month, but filled with many special and fun activities!
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day at Rollingwood is a day where we spread our love and appreciation for friendship! Each class exchanges valentines and has a party on February 12th. Pizza and a valentine’s day treat will be provided, however, in addition, teachers will be posting a sign-up sheet for parent volunteers to send in Valentine paper products and fruit. Please send in valentines for each student in your child’s class, and we’ll take care of the rest. The teachers have requested that you not “address” the valentines–just sign them with your child’s name. This way the children can easily pass them out. Remember, some classrooms are nut free. Any food items should be unopened, in store bought packaging.
Re-enrollment forms
Registration for next year is going great and we are so happy to get so many of our families back next year!
As of February 1st, registration is open to new families and spaces are filling up quickly. If you intend to register your child for next year and have not done so, we urge you to return the form and deposit immediately to secure your preferred placement for the upcoming school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to administration.
Summer Camp
Summer camp registration forms and more info about the program will go out at the end of February. We will have two, three, and five-day programs, both half and full day. Each week there will be a theme incorporating science, art, games, and lots of outdoor fun. This is a great time for the children to stay active during summer months! Incoming students for the upcoming school year may also attend.
*Based on the number of those interested, will determine if we are able to run summer camp.
Inclement Weather Policy
As a reminder, be sure to check our website www.rollingwoodacademy.com, Facebook, Instagram, or Class Dojo for any school closings or delays. You will also get an email as soon as a decision is made. We typically follow the public school’s closings initially. We try our best to keep children, parents, and our staff safe during these times.
Important Dates
February 12th- Valentine’s Day Celebration/ Pizza Day
February 15th- School Closed- President’s Day
March 17th- St. Patrick’s Day
March 19th- School Closed to Students- Staff Day
March 23rd & 24th- Spring Pictures will be taken for class/individual. More information to come from your child’s teacher soon.
March 26th- Spirit/Pizza Day
April 2nd- Spring Tea Party
April 5th-April 9th- Spring Break- School Closed
We want to thank you all for your support within our community! We have gotten a great number of new families interested in our school after receiving referrals from our current parents. We are so thankful.
As always, thank you for sharing your children with us!
Rollingwood Academy Administration