Let Spring Begin

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We are looking forward to warmer weather and spending more time outside! As we approach spring weather, we are also faced with seasonal allergies. Visit www.healthprep.com for some tips and natural remedies, for adults and children.

We would like to say thank you to all who participated in our scholastic school book fair! It was a huge success! In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, March is designated as National Reading Month. We would like to remind you all to READ, READ, READ with your child everyday.

“Learning to read takes practice. Loving to read takes enthusiasm. Read with your child often and create a sense of enjoyment, wonder, and passion for reading. "

Raising Readers: What Parents Can Do, from www.readacrossamerica.org/raising-readers-what-parents-can-do/

  • Read together every day- read the morning news at breakfast, share a story after supper, or cuddle up for a book at bedtime.

  • Talk and build vocabulary- interesting conversations build vocabulary, language skills, and knowledge about the world.

  • Model reading- kids want to do what grownups do. Make sure your kids get to see you reading and hear you talk about it.

  • Point our print- read and talk about the words you see in the world around you- signs, recipes, cereal boxes, instruction manuals, bus schedules, news, maps, and menus.

  • Visit the library- take advantage of all the books, materials, story times, programs, and resources your local library has to offer.

  • Create a reading-rich home- Find books at the bookstore or yard sales. Provide a special shelf or basket for kids to keep their own books and one for library books. 

  • Encourage your child’s reading- Praise the efforts of a soon-to-be or beginning reader. 

  • Keep books handy- Stash books in your bag to read aloud when you travel or have to wait at restaurants or for appointments. Or keep eBooks on your phone.

  • Start reading traditions- Beyond bedtime stories, consider a special birthday book, holiday favorites, or a regular family read aloud night.

Check out www.readacrossamerica.org/raising-readers-what-parents-can-do/ for even more tips for reading with your child.


Reminders & News

  • March 20th- Staff Development Day- Closed to students

  • March 25th & 26th- Spring Pictures will be taken for class/individual. More information will be sent home soon.

  • March 27th- Guest Reader & Pizza Day. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you are interested in reading to the class.

  • April 10th- Spring Tea Party- Our Production will begin at 10:00 am followed by an Egg Hunt outside. The students will head inside for the Tea Party around 11:00am. Times are subject to change should we anticipate inclement weather.

  • April 13th-17th- Spring Break- School Closed

* Summer camp forms and a $100 deposit are due by March 15th.

*Please keep your child home from school if they are sick and you must notify the school if your child has a communicable disease. Students may not return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours. Also, please stress the importance of proper hand washing thoroughly with your child to avoid the spreading of germs.

*Referral program-During the month of April we will be offering a referral program. If you refer a family to Rollingwood Academy and they register their child your activity fee of $195 will be waived for the 2020-2021 school year. Please let us know if you refer a family!

* We are excited to announce that next year we will be opening a 18month-2 year old classroom. Our hours are also extending to 7am-6pm. Please spread the word!

As always, thank you for your continued support and sharing your children with us!

Evelyn Paddack